Katrina is dedicated to providing Free appointments for Sentient Clearing™ on available Wednesdays. Paid sessions are also available on Wednesdays, with extended hours to better match your well-being needs.
Remember to check the monthly posting to see which dates are available.
Please scroll down for more information and to select your appointment.
Katrina has additional hours on most days for Paid Subscription appointments at the very reasonable rate of $40 USD for two 30-minute sessions. Make your first appointment using the "Paid Subscription" box, below, and make your second appointment with the "Second Paid Session" box.
You can purchase multiple sessions, 4-6 being optimum.
PayPal and Square payments are accepted, no Venmo.
Offering these GIFT sessions are Katrina’s "Seva", Divine service to our collective and personal well-being.
Please select only one gift appointment at a time. Once fulfilled, feel free to make another appointment.
These sessions are 20 minutes long, although the appointment book reserves 30 minutes.
Sometimes life happens and you may miss an appointment. Be sure to email Katrina to inform her of this change. If two "Gift" appointments are missed, then please switch to the "Paid Subscription" for future appointments. Keeping the free appointment spaces available for those who need them is a priority that we hope you understand, thank you.
If it is in your heart, any Donated Gift of funds from you helps here keep this website available to folks around the world...thank you!
PayPal and Square payments are accepted, no Venmo.
Please select a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Have tissues nearby.
During the session, the intent is to clear one's mind to allow the Sentient Body Intelligence to speak more clearly through you.
Please arrive a few minutes early for your scheduled appointment and give yourself some resting time afterward to better integrate your experience.
Katrina facilitates each session with respect, integrity, unconditional positive regard, and Divine Love...all in support of your sense of wellbeing.
Please pay close attention to the available dates that are specifically listed, below. Then scroll below to find the button for your type of session. The format for this Appointment calendar has issues and may show dates that are not available for an appointment, so refer back to the listed dates if necessary.
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours ahead so those who are waiting for openings have an opportunity to fill your spot.
You should receive an automatic confirmation email with the time (Pacific Time) and date of your appointment. Please be sure to write down your additional choices, such as meeting over Skype or Zoom. These may not appear in the email.
You will also receive a confirmation email from Katrina listing your contact choice, date and Pacific Time the night before or morning of your appointment. If you have chosen a phone appointment, be sure to note Katrina's phone number from her private email, so you can call her at the designated time.
Internet browsers, such as Google Chrome, do not work with this page.
Try Safari or Firefox.
Also, please ignore the phone number in your automated appointment confirmation. The website host required that a mobile phone number be included, but there is no such number...so made one up. ; )
I thank you for reaching out to connect and am looking forward to sharing this blessing with you.
"When we clear the charge to past experiences, we start to notice more free will available to us." — John Newton
Select the small box under the Contact form to receive monthly notice of available appointment dates.
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Gift appointments on Wednesday
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Gift appointments on Wednesday
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Gift appointments on Wednesday
Pacific Time / UTC-7
Katrina Wynne and/or Sentient Clearing™ respect and protect the privacy and identity of all clients.
For the UK and EU GDPR privacy policy statement, please visit the "Contact Us" page on this website.
Katrina Wynne and/or Sentient Clearing™ (Author) present the entire contents of this website for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. In presenting this information, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Any techniques the author or publisher address only pertain to the underlying spiritual issues that may affect human well-being.
Copyright © 2018–2025 Katrina Wynne, all rights reserved. Nothing herein may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, or retransmitted in any media format without express written permission of the author.
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