Sentient Clearing™
with Katrina Wynne, M.A.
Sentient Clearing™
with Katrina Wynne, M.A.
with Katrina Wynne, M.A.
with Katrina Wynne, M.A.
I'm so glad that you have found this unique offering.
What an honor it is to share this clearing service with you
—for our world and for all our ancestors.
I'm Katrina and I look forward to sharing my passion
for this loving and deeply spiritual clearing service…through the magic of cyberspace!
I'm a Forest Mystic whose courageous LoveLight inspires and supports individual and collective social-spiritual transformation.
Sentient Clearing™ is an online service that blends ancient spiritual healing practices and energy work to enhance our experience of well-being.
I'm so excited to offer you private appointments for this service.
GIFT sessions are on most Wednesdays, while Paid sessions are inexpensive can cover more days and times.
Katrina has been blessed to work with so many wonderful people (and animals).
Here are some of the exciting things they wish to share about their experience with Sentient Clearing™.
"True Forgiveness means to ‘let go’ or ‘offer up’. This work is not about reliving the old hurts. It is about accessing the higher power of our understanding with humility and gratitude.." — John Newton
Select the small box under the Contact form to receive monthly notice of available online appointment dates.
Feel free to share the website address with your family and friends who are interested in this service. It is a blessing we can all enjoy!!
Katrina Wynne and/or Sentient Clearing™ (Author) present the entire contents of this website for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. In presenting this information, no attempt is being made to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health, or human development principles to provide diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Any techniques the author or publisher address in this service only pertain to the underlying spiritual issues that may affect human well-being.
Copyright © 2018–2025 Katrina Wynne, all rights reserved. Nothing herein may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, or retransmitted in any media format without express written permission of the author.
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